Tallapoosa River EC, already a user of Milsoft Engineering Analysis, has expanded to the Milsoft E&O System with the addition of IVR, OMS and GIS. “Our wholesale power supplier has had good experience with Milsoft IVR and OMS,” said Parker Goodman, Manager of E&O, “and we look forward to having Milsoft’s complete engineering and operations software system to help us to plan, analyze and operate our electric distribution system in the best way possible.”
Milsoft IVR Communications enables utilities to interact with their customers and employees 24/7/365 with the same consistent, accurate and clear information every time. Customers can take care of a variety of needs from reporting outages to paying their bill while ensuring that no customer is turned away by a busy signal. Milsoft OMS helps utilities detect, evaluate and respond to customer service interruptions with greater speed, accuracy and efficiency, especially during severe system outages. The powerful, but easy to use Milsoft GIS provides all the data capture, management and display capabilities that a utility needs and it integrates with ESRI GIS tools. All of these solutions are seamlessly integrated with the utility’s as-built, as-energized electric circuit model.
About Tallapoosa River Electric Cooperative
Tallapoosa River Electric Cooperative is a member owned and governed electric distribution cooperative headquartered in LaFayette, Alabama. The utility serves the electric energy needs of more than 25,000 member consumers in eight counties in East Central Alabama. Learn more at: www.trec.coop.
About Milsoft Utility Solutions
The Milsoft team has provided industry leading engineering and operations software and support to electric utilities in the US and abroad for more than 25 years. Some 1,000 utilities, consultants, universities and others use Milsoft solutions for planning, analysis and operations. Milsoft’s E&O System integrates Milsoft’s Engineering Analysis, Outage Management, Geographic Information, Field Engineering and IVR Communications with each other and with a utility’s other applications and data to enable the most efficient and effective planning, operation and management of an intelligent grid. Learn more at: www.milsoft.com.