Milsoft Remote Model Viewer (Unplugged)
Milsoft’s Remote Model Viewer Solution (Unplugged®) allows the enterprise network model, LandBase maps, select facilities data, and select customer data to be downloaded to a desktop, laptop or tablet PC. The data can be automatically updated when the computer is connected to the utility network.
Milsoft Unplugged® can display the resident network model diagram, Milsoft LandBase, and real-time user location (if equipped with GPS).
*Partial List
- Portable copy of downloaded utility network model, facilities data, and customer billing information
- Rapid, “delta only” updates when reconnected to utility network
- Display LandBase maps
- With GPS, real-time “truck in truck” tracking
- Mini viewer for enhanced system navigation
Hardware Requirements
Required specifications for client machines are the minimum requirements for our applications to run efficiently. The following link includes requirements for most of Milsoft’s products. If you do not find what your looking for, please contact Milsoft Support.
Key Capabilities
LandBase makes it possible to display the network model diagram on geographical maps without the expense, time and effort of developing a full geographical information system representation. Public and private map data can be imported via vector, raster or commonly used image formats. The data might include terrain, topography, water, vegetation, land marks, roads, highways, rail lines, structures, property lines, political boundaries, utility facilities (e.g., water, gas, telecom, CATV) and even thematic characteristics like weather, demographics, historical trends, projections.
Assessments – allow utility field and office personnel to enter, maintain and view data (GPS location, description, photos, comments) about outages, damaged facilities, required maintenance, field inventory with automated correlation to the corresponding distribution network nodes or elements
Assessments can be created from Calls Manager, a DisSPatch client, Unplugged, or from an enabled mobile device, allowing tracking of damage, maintenance needs, and other information as it relates to elements in the circuit model. Assessments can be created, edited, distributed to Unplugged users, and then closed when resolved. Open assessments appear in the circuit model. Closed assessments do not appear on the circuit model, but information about them can be accessed through the Assessment Manager or by running reports.
Assessments allows for the consolidation of damage control and maintenance needs into a single, DisSPatch-based tool. The incorporation of mobile devices and Unplugged into Assessments gives DisSPatch powerful applications.
For more information on mobile outage and other Partner Software options, Click Here.